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Whole-hearted thanksgiving by one leper at the feet of Jesus Christ
- Ten lepers praying to Jesus Christ
- Ten lepers wonderfully helped by Jesus Christ
- One leper truly thankful to Jesus Christ
A heavenly calling in the wilderness
- The reason
- The way
- The purpose
God’s gracious provision in a time of His wrath
- The reason for His wrath
- The pouring out of His wrath
- The only shelter from His wrath
Christian prayer
- Why does a Christian need to pray?
- How should a Christian pray?
- What things should a Christian pray for?
God's grace in the life of Naaman
- Naaman's misery
- Naaman's deliverance
- Naaman's gratitude
The love of the Father displayed through the gift of His Son
- The love of the Father.
- The gift of the Father.
- The promise of the Father.
God's testimony concerning man
- God's charge
- God's evidences
- God's verdict
The necessity of Jesus Christ's presence
- The necessity of the gospel
- The necessity of the law
- The necessity of true worship
- The necessity of a revelation
- The necessity of evangelism
A message from heaven
- A message for the congregation
- A message for the minister
Paul's farewell from the elders of Ephesus
- He points them to the word of the Lord.
- He points them to the work of the Lord.
- He points them to the fruit of the Lord.