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The third petition: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
- By continual self-denial
- By continual submission
- By continual faithfulness
Blessed are the poor in spirit
- Who are the poor in spirit?
- How are the poor in spirit blessed?
The second petition: Thy kingdom come
- A petition that requests—Rule us
- A petition that requests—Increase us
- A petition that requests—Preserve us
- A petition that requests—Come to us
Jehovah comforts Zion
- Zion’s statement of unbelief
- Jehovah’s declaration of covenant faithfulness
- Justification is by grace alone
- Justification in Christ alone
- Justification through faith alone
The first petition: Hallowed by Thy name
- What does this petition reveal to us?
- What are we asking when we pray this petition?
Christ welcomes weary sinners:
- A description of the weary
- An invitation to the weary
- A promise for the weary
Addressing God as Father in prayer
- As a loving Father
- As a giving Father
- As a heavenly Father
Born of God:
- What does it mean?
- Who is the author?
- What are the evidences?
A psalm of thanksgiving, an exhortation to praise Jehovah
- The command to praise
- The character of praise
- The purpose of praise
- The practice of praise